Impasse : Royalty Free Music


Piano royalty free music track improvised sometimes ago, maybe 20 years.. I completely forgot the recording and I recently found it in my very old computer while looking for some family photos. Modal improvisation music with the left hand playing a cyclical and repetitive motif while the right hand runs freely upon my piano keyboard :-)
Relaxing piano music with soft and tender moments. This track evokes a travel in a world of sweetness and beauty.

SIMILAR TRACKS: Il est tard ce soir ; Jamilati ; Mon ame que tu es douce ; Vol au dessus de ma maison
Tags: Piano, modal, improvisation...
Duration: 02:48
Instrumentation: Piano.
Possible modifications: Changing the intensity of the reverb for simulating a larger hall or a smaller room. The music can be performed on three different pianos: Steinway, Bosendorfer, and Yamaha. Replacing the instrument for an electronic or electric version. Applying sound effects. (Customization is a paid service; please ask for a quote)


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