Jamilati : Royalty Free Music


Piano royalty free composition, composed and recorded in 1997, it is offering several parts with different melodic themes, different rhythmic cells and different moods.
Written in a moderated tempo, this track uses syncoped rhythms with a subtle delay between the left hand and the right hand. The scales and harmonies travel from the minor modes (a little bit nostalgic and romantic) to the Major scales (more joyous and positive) in short time and vice versa. This tune will give multitude of colors to any film or TV production, its duration can be expanded upon request.

SIMILAR TRACKS: Il est tard ce soir ; Mon ame que tu es douce ; Impasse ; Vol au dessus de ma maison
Tags: Piano,..
Duration: 02:53
Instrumentation: Piano.
Possible modifications: Changing the tempo to speed up or slow down the music. Create a loop. Change the intensity of the reverberation to simulate a larger or smaller space. Play the music on three different pianos: Steinway, Bosendorfer, and Yamaha. Replace the instrument for an electronic or electric version. Apply sound effects. (Customization is a paid service; please ask for a quote)


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