Makuna : Royalty Free Music


Intense orchestral royalty free music using a flute section, a solo violin, a bass and cello section playing staccato, double basses playing pizzicato, and an oboe. The ambience is rather melancholic. Royalty-free music using a flute section, a solo violin, a bass and cello section playing staccato, double basses playing pizzicato, and an oboe. The ambiance is rather melancholic.

SIMILAR TRACKS: Isaelle ; St-martin ; Ocram ; Confusus
Tags: deception, sadness, melancholy, suffering...
Duration: 02:40
Instrumentation: symphony orchestra, oboe, flutes, basses, cellos, and violins.
Possible customizations: Changing the tempo to speed up or slow down the music. Create a loop. Changing the effects, the mix and the audio mastering. Changing the instrumentation. Synchronizing to images. (Customization is a paid service; please ask for a quote)


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