Ultimate : Royalty Free Music


Emotional royalty free piano music written for solo piano. Depending on how we use it and in which context, this music track is able to evoke a series of different emotions from nostalgia, sadness, and regret to peace and serenity.
The left hand plays soft rhythmic patterns and chord variations in a minor scale, while the right hand plays the main melody as well as some chords. This composition consists of two different parts, one romantic and very lyrical, the other theme is a kind of no man's land, or an empty space where everything is suspended..

SIMILAR TRACKS: Hilouine ; Pierre ; La sereine
Tags: Piano, nostalgia, purity, passion, fragility, innocence, sadness, regrets, peace..
Duration: 03:06
Instrumentation: Piano.
Possible modifications: Changing the tempo to speed up or slow down the music. Create a loop. Change the intensity of the reverberation to simulate a larger or smaller space. Play the music on three different pianos: Steinway, Bosendorfer, and Yamaha. Replace the instrument for an electronic or electric version. Apply sound effects. (Customizations are paid services; please ask for a quote)


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